Friday, September 7, 2012

First Blog

1) I have one year of 3D Animation and Computer Applications in High School.

2) I also have two years of Graphic Design in High School in which I worked in both Photoshop and Illustrator.

3) I took this class because it is required in Game Design and Development.

4) I do not have a favorite artist. But I do know good art when I see it.

5) I also do not have a favorite designer.

6) I have been playing video games since I was six years old and still play them to this day.

7) I have a personal computer in my possession to do anything I want or need.

8) It was night when Captain Ninja-Pirate was in his quarters.  When suddenly a yell was heard throughout the ship.  The captain was not startled, but instead was annoyed by the constant yelling. The yelling started two days ago and continues to start and stop continually. The captain has had it and storms out of his quarters onto the deck of his ship. On the deck of the ship five crewmen were all facing each other and on of them was yelling. The captain walks over to them and tells them to stop.